


Identity/Reputation Infrastructure

iconRaising Funds
Decentralized Identity

Trustless Reputation Metric for Risk Assessment for a truly online and decentralized ecosystem that can be used to dive Engagement, Growth, Incentives such as Token airdrops, Filtering De-Fi active users, Trade leverage allocation, Uncollaterized Loans.

300,000+Identity Created
1,400,000+Attestations Issued
$500,000+Incentives Worth Distributed
ETH 10,000+Defi Activity
75%Month over Month Growth
Additional Details



Provide trustless insight metrics for Risk Assessment to drive community growth and customer engagement/acquisition while bringing traditional economy onchain.

Humans by nature are an aggregation of habits which translate into daily actions that can be tracked and measured online.

We are going application first instead of Infra first where we work with communities to understand and solve thie usecase that align with our vision with the end goal of having a unified infrastructure standard for Reputation metrics.

Process involved:

  1. Points/Incentive allocation
  2. Score metrics calculation
  3. Processing(Action Verification + tagging)
  4. Data Aggregation

All communities try to understand if the user a Defi degen? what kind of degen? a gambler? a trader? how big of a risk do they take? Is the user really interested in the community? or is he just an airdrop farmer?

We see these reputation scores being used in a range of existing processes in traditional economy such as running basic incentives for airline points, online shopping to bigger problems like trade leverage allocation and uncollaterized loans.

We are currently sufficiently decentraized and working on trustless step 3 and 4 with Mercle Chain.

Proposed Solution

We see these reputation scores being used in a range of existing processes in traditional economy such as running incentives for airline points, online shopping to bigger problems like trade leverage allocation and uncollaterized loans.


Milestone When
Decentralized Identity Profile(PoW) 2023
Decentralized Incentive Allocation 2023
Community Collaboration as Poc 2023
Data Aggregation & Tagging 2023-2024
Decentralize Verification 2024
Decentralize Data Aggregation 2024
Testnet launch 2024
Community Collaboration as Pilot 2024
Mainnet Launch 2024

Reference Documents

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